End Times?
Sorry, I don't buy this End Times crap. I've come to regard it as spiritually dangerous besides. People spend all their time running around looking for proof we're living in the End Times. Instead of trying to work to make the world a better place they just accept that the world is going to hell in a handbasket because this is the End Times, and things are supposed to get bad at the end. Also, consider the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25). Five of the Virgins didn't bring enough oil. Why? They thought the Bride Groom would be coming sooner than he was, so they didn't think needed it. You can compare this to the End Times crowd. They're so sure the end will be soon, that they're not prepared for the long haul. Seriously, remember college when we were all into the End Times stuff - did any of us think we'd still be here all these years later? Remember the first Gulf War, and everyone was sure this was some great sign of the end being at hand? Well, guess what? We're still here. I think some of the spiritual burn out and periods of falling away were caused by this End Times mentallity. We weren't prepared for the long haul, but thankfully God is good, and He didn't come back and shut us out while we were out of oil. If you go back and read Church History almost every generation was absolutely sure they were going to be the last generation. This may or may not be the End Times, but I think if we devote ourselves to doing the things we know He wants us to do - "Love your neighbor as yourself," "Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength," "As you do it to the least of these...." and stay strong in studying Scripture, so we don't get fooled again (thanks to The Who) then we won't need to worry about if it's The End Times or not. They'll take care of themselves, and He'll take care of us.
Speaking of spiritually dangerous. This outright frightens me. Read Besides the glitz and overdone production of it offends my Menno-Quaker sensibilities. This is just an outright heresy:
As for the preaching, it was motivating and highly inspirational: the sermon’s title (sorry, I’m not kidding) was “Ten Kinds of People That God Can’t Help.” The main idea was that you should “invest” your time in positive happy friends, instead of making bad investments in friendships with hopeless, unhappy people:
Excuse me???? There are some people that God can't help? So, God isn't all powerful? And we're not supposed to concern ourselves with the least because they're not happy and positive? Jesus was just talking to hear His own voice in Matthew 25? He didn't really come to bring good news to the afflicted, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom to the captives? I'm sorry, but it's time for Christians who really believe in the Bible to stand up and say, "This is a load of crap! You are a false shepherd preaching a false gospel! And at risk of sounding judgemental - you will go to hell for it."
Speaking of spiritually dangerous. This outright frightens me. Read Besides the glitz and overdone production of it offends my Menno-Quaker sensibilities. This is just an outright heresy:
As for the preaching, it was motivating and highly inspirational: the sermon’s title (sorry, I’m not kidding) was “Ten Kinds of People That God Can’t Help.” The main idea was that you should “invest” your time in positive happy friends, instead of making bad investments in friendships with hopeless, unhappy people:
“Why are you trying to help people like that when even God can’t help them?” The sermon’s best one-liner: “The Bible isn’t a book about God’s love for man; it’s a book about man’s love for God.”
Excuse me???? There are some people that God can't help? So, God isn't all powerful? And we're not supposed to concern ourselves with the least because they're not happy and positive? Jesus was just talking to hear His own voice in Matthew 25? He didn't really come to bring good news to the afflicted, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom to the captives? I'm sorry, but it's time for Christians who really believe in the Bible to stand up and say, "This is a load of crap! You are a false shepherd preaching a false gospel! And at risk of sounding judgemental - you will go to hell for it."
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