Monday, April 27, 2009

Internet Monk just had to piss in my cornflakes this morning by blogging about women in ministry. Now, this is a subject that hasbeen debated to death. I sincerely doubt that either side really hears the other. They just lob theological bombs at eachother. But, for too many women, myself included, this subject is nothing short of soul killing. Once upon a time people used to Bible to justify slavery, segregation, and any number of things we now acknowlege are not just wrong but evil.

Here's something I never knew before today. Romans 16:7 makes reference to two people named Andronicus and Junia, and says they're both apostles. Here's what I never knew before today: Junia is a female name. Here's why I never knew it before today: The New American Standard, my prefered translation since I was in college, deliberately mistranslates this passage and changes her name to the masculine Junias, and refers to and Andronicus as Paul's kinsmen - again implying that they're both male. Other translations say either kin or relatives. I mean even the King James says relatives. In his sermon on women in ministry, N.T. Wright aludes that there was a dust-up in the translation of the NIV because those translators wanted to mistranslate and make Junia male. But, apparently they did the right thing. I might have to switch back to NIV. This link blames the perversion of Junia's name on Pope Boniface VIII. I don't buy it. Sorry. The translators of all the assorted translations claim to have translated from original Greek/Hebrew manscripts - that predate Boniface by hundreds of years. The verse is mistranslated because the translators CHOSE to mistranslate it because their doctrinal understanding of women in ministry - based on TWO comments by Paul - was more important to them than getting it right. I feel downright deceived and betrayed by the translators of the NASB.

For those of you who care here's my comments to Imonk's post.

I really think that slamming my head into my desk repeatedly would be a more
productive use of my time than taking part in this conversation. But, I must point out that the Greek word diakonos, which is translated as deacon or minister for men is translated servant for women. Oh gee - some deliberate distortion of the original text by translators? Maybe.

Young’s Literal Translation translates Romans 16:1 as, “And I commend you to Phebe our sister — being a ministrant of the assembly that is in Cenchrea”
Also, let the record show that Mary Magdeline was, in fact, the firt person to preach the Gospel (the news that Jesus was raised from the dead), and all those know-it-all men did not believe her.

Furthermore, I thought SBC claimed to believe in the WHOLE Bible, not just a
few references by Paul that were written to a specific time and place, and
honestly probably wasn’t meant to be for all time. Paul was writing to people
who came from one of the most misogynistic societies in the ancient world. He was
not going to let a women’s movement in the church hinder the spread of the
Gospel - which is EXACTLY what would have happened.

So, I give to you Deborah - a judge and a leader of Israel. I give to you Phoebe a deacon/minister in the church. I give to you Prisca - Acts 18:26
tells us that she and Aquilla BOTH taught Apollos the ways of God. Anytime, Paul
mentions Aquilla he mentions Prisca. Their names are always in tandem, and she
is credited as doing all of the things her husband did. They were a team.

Finally, these never ending discussions about the role of women in the
church is nothing short of soul killing for many women. As someone pointed out,
it sounds more like a discussion worthy of the Taliban. How many women either 1)
won’t come to Christ because you all portray the church as a misogynistic boys
club, or 2) have left the church because of it? Wasn’t there a post a while back
from a former woman pastor who now says she is camping in the yard of the

You base your entire world view on TWO verses by Paul when the entire
rest of the Bible - including other writings of Paul’s - would support the idea
that - Yeah, women can be in these roles. Really, this rates up there with when
certain denominations (SBC included) used scripture to justify slavery. You need
to feel superior to someone. It can’t be blacks anymore, so you’re going to demean women.

I’m going to go bang my head on my desk for awhile


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