Son, I Have Failed You....
Not long ago Imonk made the point of how pervasive the properity gospel is in American evangelical churches. He said most evangelicals buy into this rot at least to a certain extent. Really, I can't argue with him. I bought into it a little when I was young, but then my bullshit meter kicked in. And, I knew that every now and then it would rear it's ugly head in church, but no church is perfect right? Having a working brain means that it's my responsibility to filter out the crap. What never crossed my mind is what were they teaching my beautiful boy down in children's church. Well, I did. I worried about what they were teaching him regarding "The End Times." I've had many conversations with Spawn about that when they would show the kids movies meant to scare them. I looked at the art work he was bringing up from children's church. I trusted in the youth leaders as good people. What didn't ever cross my mind for some stupid reason was that the youth leaders so desperate to get the kids to say The Prayer were pushing the name it and claim it prosperity gospel on the kids harder than they were with the adults. Some of Spawn's faith issues appear to stem from the fact that he's tried to name and claim things, and of course he didn't get them. He didn't understand why his whole world was wrong when he'd prayed some prayer. I can't help but wonder if this isn't part of his ongoing problems with depression, and his current rebellion in the form of saying he's going to join the Marines.
Last night I went to EMU's library and checked out a DVD documentary about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I hijacked my own television - usually under the control of Spawn and Pretty Girl - and demanded Spawn put it on. To my surprise, Spawn actually paid attention. At the end, I mentioned that one of the things I read online was that when the Nazis hanged Bonhoeffer that instead of a traditional hanging that Bonhoeffer was hanged with a piano wire that was pulled tight gradually. It would have taken about half an hour for him to die. At that point Spawn scoffed and said, "I bet he was so glad God was looking out for him." I was about to lob a couch pillow across the room at him, but instead said, "Son, God didn't spare His own Son from being crucified! Eleven out of the twelve apostles (counting Mathias and not Judas) were martyred. Peter was crucified upside down! What gives you this idea that just because you say you believe in Jesus, you won't have any problems? He's not a lucky charm!" Then, I semi-quoted Bonhoeffer and said, "When He calls you, He calls you to die." Spawn was speechless because what I said - Bonhoeffer's entire life testimony - was completely contrary to things he'd heard in church.
Last night I went to EMU's library and checked out a DVD documentary about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I hijacked my own television - usually under the control of Spawn and Pretty Girl - and demanded Spawn put it on. To my surprise, Spawn actually paid attention. At the end, I mentioned that one of the things I read online was that when the Nazis hanged Bonhoeffer that instead of a traditional hanging that Bonhoeffer was hanged with a piano wire that was pulled tight gradually. It would have taken about half an hour for him to die. At that point Spawn scoffed and said, "I bet he was so glad God was looking out for him." I was about to lob a couch pillow across the room at him, but instead said, "Son, God didn't spare His own Son from being crucified! Eleven out of the twelve apostles (counting Mathias and not Judas) were martyred. Peter was crucified upside down! What gives you this idea that just because you say you believe in Jesus, you won't have any problems? He's not a lucky charm!" Then, I semi-quoted Bonhoeffer and said, "When He calls you, He calls you to die." Spawn was speechless because what I said - Bonhoeffer's entire life testimony - was completely contrary to things he'd heard in church.
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